Lifestyle Magazine

What I Am De-cluttering in Life

By Jayfletch22 @Jayfletch22

Hey everyone!
This post is a follow up to yesterday's post about my life de-cluttering. I like using that word, because my life isnt a total mess. It's just a little cluttered with some mess, bad feelings, and stuff like that. But that's about to change!
There are so many things that I want to work on to de-clutter my life, but here is my list so far...
1) Clean my room/car
My room is a total mess. It's absolutely embarrassing, and it's all because of laziness and having too many things. It's safe to say that I've spent too much money in things I intend on using, but I never get around to it. I also have way too many things that I've saved, but I don't need anymore. And I also have so many water bottles and old school papers in my car that I won't drive people with me. That's gotta stop.
2) Clean my mind
This may sound a little strange, but I have a messy mind. (that may at times, be a tad dirty) I have so many thoughts flowing, that I can't control them. I guess it's an Aquarius thing, but I am constantly stuck in my mind. Usually I have creative thougts geared towards my boutique, but a lot of the time I have scary, negative thoughts that go out of control and I can't stop them. And that, my friends, is the cause of my sometimes overwhelming anxiety. And it's never any fun.
3) Clean my eating
I drink way too much diet coke. I've heard before that your body is made up mostly of water, but I know I have more diet coke in there than water. I know that it's really bad for me, so I've decided to try to quit, or atleast, cut back on my 4 cans a day. (I swear, they add sme sort of drugs in it to make it addicting) I also want to eat slightly better, with more vegetables, fruits, and less crap, but this will all change a tiny bit at a time. The eh I see it, choosing one more Wholesome thing to eat over something bad each day, is a step in the right direction.
What do you want to work on in your life, or what positive changes have you made? I'd love to hear about them in the comments!
Thanks for reading!
xo, Jay

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