Religion Magazine

What Happens to Our Youth Group Grads?

By Caryschmidt

It’s the time of year when many of your teenagers are graduating from high school and from the church youth group! What’s next for them? I mean—what’s next for them at your church? What’s next for them in ministry?

Some go away to college. But many stay close to home. Is there ministry for them  now, like there was when they were “in the youth group?” In what ways will your church love, include, disciple, and invest into your post-high school students? Is there ANYTHING—any group, any class just for them? There should be! Right now!

This is the people-group that is most quickly vacating church, and often it’s because there’s just nothing for them after High School—except, “Go help in the nursery!” If we’re going to see them stay faithful to their foundation of faith, then we must support them through ministry for their age group.

In the spirit of encouraging you to hold on tightly to your High School graduates—here is a collection of past-posts regarding post-high school challenges and how to effectively minister to this age group:

18 and On Your Own—What Happens to Our Graduates? (Part 1)

Life After the Youth Group (Part 2)

Life After the Youth Group (Part 3)

Helping Graduates Prepare for the Future

Beating Post High School Challenges (Part 1)

Beating Post High School Challenges (Part 2)

Beating Post High School Challenges (Part 3)

Struggling Teenagers—Don’t Give Up Too Early

Why Young People Stay Faithful

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