You go to the theater, there it is, the protagonist, his back to us, facing a demolished landscape… Battle-LA, Star Trek Into Darkness, Inception, Oblivion… etcetera, etcetera…

Or men and woman, back to back, staring at us.

A huge eye,

Our hero’s back and well, nothing else…

Or two well shaped legs and everything else in-between…

But why? Why do they often fall prey to formulas that are not really working anymore? Where’s the creativity, man? Where’s the love?
In 2012, software engineer Vijay Pandurangan proposed a theory posters have become both more dark and more blue over time. Using color data from 35,000 movie posters created from 1914 until now, his final image below and what it means are clear.

Here’s a cool video that takes a look at just how lazy movie posters have become.