Lifestyle Magazine

What Happened at the Unofficial Offical SG50 Party On 5th August?

By Huney_84
Hi Huneybees,
What Happened at the Unofficial Offical SG50 Party On 5th August?
If you were not there at the Unofficial Office SG50 Party on the 5th August at the reopened Capitol Theater, here's a summary of what have had happened that evening...
What Happened at the Unofficial Offical SG50 Party On 5th August?
What Happened at the Unofficial Offical SG50 Party On 5th August?
As promised by Tiger Beer - You voted, we made it happen - it was a party unlike any before.
Right at the entrance of the party, you would find many Tissue Chope that you could finally seat on, Durian Pillows that you could now hug on to and the Curry Puff pillows that you lay on without fearing it been smashed!
What Happened at the Unofficial Offical SG50 Party On 5th August?
Not far from those pillows were the icons of Singapore, - The Merlion, Marina Bay Sands Hotel, and Ice Kacang - each been sculptured in the most unusual style and proportion, for the viewing pleasure of every invited guest.

What Happened at the Unofficial Offical SG50 Party On 5th August?

The Chilli Crab Fountain was a popular choice among voters

What Happened at the Unofficial Offical SG50 Party On 5th August?

East-meets-west fusion delights at The Unofficial Official Party of SG50

Food wise, beside the "highly elected" Chilli Crab Fountain, which everyone could smell and notice from afar, our local favourites such as Bak Chor Mee, Prata and Hainanese Chicken Rice had been reinvented into some kind of East-Meets-West fusion delights of Bak Chor Mee Burgers, Prata Crepes and Chicken Rice Balls!
Thanks to my friends whom helped to queue for the food, our group managed to try all the delights except Bak Chor Mee Burgers, which was unfortunately the first to be sold out that evening.

What Happened at the Unofficial Offical SG50 Party On 5th August?

Guests looking pretty by the Massage Chair Trishaw during the sudden tropical snowstorm

  For those who voted for Snow and though it was a crazy idea and hence an impossible task for the good people of Tiger Beer to realized in the open space atrium of Capitol Theater, they were greeted by a sudden tropical snowstorm that got everyone covering up their drinks and foods for a good few minutes! 

What Happened at the Unofficial Offical SG50 Party On 5th August?

The official drink at The Unofficial Official SG50 Party

The party didn't stop here. 

What Happened at the Unofficial Offical SG50 Party On 5th August?

The Griswolds

 In fact the fun was elevated to a new level once everyone were led to the newly furnished main theater to be entertained by the electrifying performances of The Griswolds and The Kooks.Despite the initial poor acoustic, fans were more than forgiving when the the 4-piece Australian band from Sydney jammed and kept the energy going throughout their set with songs including Down and Out, Right on Track, and crowd favourite If You Wanna Stay

What Happened at the Unofficial Offical SG50 Party On 5th August?

The Kooks

 That energy was further amplified by The Kooks, when the the British indie rock sensation went on stage and brought the house down hits after hits, which included Naïve, She Moves In Her Own Way, Junk of The Heart and Always Where I Need To Be.
What Happened at the Unofficial Offical SG50 Party On 5th August?

I better sign off to get some sleep before this evening NDP Parade, which I'm sure all Singaporean and locally based Huneybees are so looking forward too!
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