I felt good as I mostly do when I awoke this morning and the Holy Spirit put something on my heart to write. God sometimes uses our own experience to inspire others. Maybe someone needs to hear this message:
As I have said before within the past which still holds true for me today.
There is so much for me to be grateful and thankful for. I am very blessed.
I thank God for waking me up in the morning until the day he finally calls me home to be united with him, and to be reunited with certain loved ones who I know made it there on the celestial plane to rejoice with him.
I am thankful for my good health, peace of mind, spirituality, confidence, strength, and jobs that allow me to provide and to take care of myself. I do not have to depend on anyone. I am also grateful and thankful for all the other blessings granted to me by God.
I am one who has always been able to handle anything that came my way in life.
No matter what type of adversity I was always able to endure.
I was always able to deal with whatever it was that I had to walk through with faith. I did not have to rely on anybody.
I was never the type to run to anyone for help, or to be needy.
God had constantly given me everything that I needed to survive in this world.
Even when I have had to experience really tough, challenging times he was always there to see me through.
Satan himself might bring trouble into our lives, he especially likes to work through people, however, I am one able to stand against the schemes of the evil one.
As children of God, he has given us everything that we require to be victorious. God wants us to prevail.
If some may not feel that they have what it takes to overcome or to defeat one has to Go by what God says and not by what their shifting emotions tell them.
The Lord delivers us and he empowers us.
We believe as we enjoy our happy times therefore, we must believe when we go through our difficult times.
We are here to live for God not for this negative world around us and he has our backs time and time again.
Do not lose faith and do not lose heart. If there are times that one feels hopeless or alone do not be discouraged.
If one grows tired, or weary, do not be discouraged.
The Lord is always with us. He is always there within and beside us cheering us on.
God will absolutely protect us from anything directed toward us from the devil.
God prepares and equips his children to stand against the storms, tactics, and temptations of the evil one.
So, remain strong, and remain assured within oneself as well as holding on to that confidence in God.
Enjoy peace, comfort, love, and happiness given to us by the Lord. His power is within us all. All who belong to him. And, as children of our God we are ultimately powerful!
Remember all of the Lord’s promises and his day to day providence within our lives.