Fashion Magazine

What Exactly is Medium-High Value Contrast?

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

Inside Out Style: What is medium-high value contrast and how to create outfits with itContrast seems to be a topic that many find kind of tricky so I wanted to post more pictures to give you examples of different kinds of contrast.

Here I’ll be showing you examples of Medium-High Contrast which sits in between Medium Contrast (that is a medium depth color with either a very light or very dark colour) and High Contrast (which is a very light color with a very dark colour).

In essence it’s a medium light color with a really deep/dark color or a really light color with a medium-dark color.  Kind of simple really!

Medium high value contrast

Medium High Value Contrast Outfit: Inari Poncho by Dizingof with unique kimono feature panel (everyone is different)

This outfit I’m wearing would be classed as medium high value contrast.  The gray is medium light and the black is very dark.  The hot pink is bright but medium in value which can make the contrast look  higher than medium -more to medium high.

Now for some more examples of Medium-High Value Contrast

What Exactly is Medium-High Value Contrast?

You will notice that the top is darkish (but not really dark like black or a midnight blue) and the skirt is light, but it’s not white or really pale.

What Exactly is Medium-High Value Contrast?

Here I’ve taken black pants (which are really dark) and paired them with a mid-light blue jacket to create the medium-high value contrast

What Exactly is Medium-High Value Contrast?

Here there is a white dress with a medium-dark green cardigan. So very light with medium-dark.

More resources on Value Contrast:

What is My Value Contrast

What is My Value ContrastWhat is My Value Contrast

What is My Value Contrast

How to Work with High Contrast

How to Work with Medium Contrast

3 Steps to Finding Your Contrast

9 Real Life Examples of Working With Contrast

7 Important Factors for Working With Contrast

If you want my professional opinion on your value (and color contrast) as well as knowing which of my 18 direction color palettes suits you best then check out 7 Steps to Style which includes this information plus so much more!

Discover the colours and styles that suit you with 7 steps to style

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