What does it say about America that countries like Egypt, of all places, feels the need to urge the US to practice "restraint" in dealing with the protests that have sprung up after Fergusion, MO. police shot and killed an unarmed black 18 year-old named Michael Brown, sparking protests, looting and vandalism, to which America finally got an up and close personal view, via photos, reports and videos of just how militarized police forces across America have become.
These military-like police not only went after the violent protesters, but have tear-gassed unarmed protesters, pointed guns and people carrying signs, arrested journalists and have basically treated American citizens as if they are enemy combatants.
Via Business Insider:
The Egyptian Foreign Ministry's statement on the unrest in Ferguson read similarly to one issued by U.S. President Barack Obama's administration in July 2013, when the White House "urged security forces to exercise maximum restraint and caution" in dealing with demonstrations by Mursi supporters.
The ministry added it was "closely following the escalation of protests" in Ferguson, unleashed by the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager by a white policeman on Aug. 9.
What the hell has happened to America?