Dear Jeff, I want to thank you for your involvement with Passim and to ask for your support as our new fiscal year draws to a close on June 30. Below is some information that I hope will inform and inspire you to give in a way that is meaningful to you. - Did you know that, to sustain our programs, we depend on our community for 40 cents in memberships and donations for every dollar in ticket sales?
- Did you know that 80 cents of every dollar you give goes directly to our programs, while only 20 cents goes to overhead?
We hope your answer to all of these questions is "yes, we knew that!" Our next question is:
- Will you support our mission to "provide exceptional musical experiences, nurture artists and build community" by becoming a member or donating before June 30?
Again, we hope your answer will be a resounding "yes." If so, then just click here and you'll be well on your way to continuing your role in our community- a community that consists of newer and more seasoned artists, students, members and others, all of whom share a desire to show how vital music is to our lives. Make the same statement today by showing how important live music is to your life. Our new fiscal year ends June 30 - help us end on a healthy note by becoming a member or donating today.Thank you for your support.With Warm Regards,Dan HoganExecutive Director The Passim Nonprofit Mission The mission of Passim is to provide truly exceptional and interactive live musical experiences for both performers and audiences, to nurture artists at all stages of their career, and to build a vibrant music community. We do so through our legendary listening venue, music school, artist grants and outreach programs. As a nonprofit since 1994, Passim carries on the heritage of our predecessors-the historic Club 47 (1958-1968) and for-profit Passim (1969-1994). We cultivate a diverse mix of musical traditions, where the emphasis is on the relationship between performers and audience and teachers and students. Located in Harvard Square, Passim serves Cambridge and the broader region by featuring local, national and international artists. Our ultimate goal is to help the performance arts flourish and thereby enrich the lives of members of our community. Passim is supported in part by: