Home " Tech " What does a good campaign email look like?
I know a lot of friends who do marketing gigs and pay for marketing events to boost their knowledge on stuff like email marketing and search engine optimization. Sometimes it surprises me when they're all willing to drop a lot of cash on self-professed marketing gurus even though most-if not all-of the really good marketing advice can easily be found online. Just by using the right keywords, you can easily find the right information you need to create a great campaign.
Take this super helpful infographic from My Emma's marketing blog, for instance:
According to the article, an email they received from TaylorStitch.com was a good example of a great email, and it can be used as a guide for a marketer's next campaign.
As takeaway, My Emma shares:
Key takeaways for your next campaign:- Holidays are perfect opportunities for festive, interactive designs, as well as coupons to inspire seasonal purchases.
- When using titles within images, make sure you have proper use of alt text.
- Give just the right amount of detail, making sure your CTA always stands out.
- Think about your text and image sizes-along with the amount of whitespace-when laying out your email to make reading, navigation, and sharing easy.
Awesome tips for a marketer to follow right? Now I can't wait to share this with other WAHMs!
Ethel Merioles would like to learn Mandarin, Italian and French someday, mostly because she dreams of ordering her favorite dishes straight from the source one day. Follow her inanities on Twitter and on Google+.