I will leave some of the old chestnuts to last, but some of the more interesting ones, first:
1. Why do Western women show off their breasts all the time?
Before I get started I must reiterate that while this is my blog and my writing, I am merely a messenger on this one, so please don't shoot me. Her work colleagues thought that Western women were always putting themselves on display in this way, whether it be wearing bikinis at beaches, festivals, and river valleys, or just walking down the street showing a bit of cleavage. They considered it a little slutty and were also critical of those people with less than perfect bodies who did it, especially older women, who they felt should be covering up.
In response, to me the reason for bikini and cleavage culture is obvious, 'If you've got it, flaunt it'. Generally speaking, Korean women are less well-endowed in that department but, in my humble opinion, do tend to have rather nice legs. It is no surprise, therefore, that this is what they show off, much to the disgust of some Western women who might very well be shouting 'Hussy!' right back at them. I, myself, am rather happy with it all and often wish we could combine the two cultures for a better future.
2. Body mysteries - eye colour, hair colour, men's er... size, and circumcision??!!

I am reliably informed that the size of men, well... down there, is a very common topic in conversation as it seems most of the nurses have never seen one from a foreigner in the flesh to confirm the rumours they have heard and, from what I hear, the pictures they have seen. I will certainly not be offering my services to relieve their curiousity. Again, (scout's honour) I am only relaying information.
It also seems that most Korean men are cut. They say that it makes everything cleaner and they wonder why Westerners don't all get it done. So why haven't we all done it, fellas?
The thing that I have found most enlightening of all is learning that women (at least this sample of sweet and innocent looking Korean nurses) seem as fascinated with men's naughty bits as we men are with theirs. I never knew.
I dread to think of the conversations they have about me, they probably have some rather sensitive information.
3. Do Western men really think Korean women are easy?
They didn't really know about this one, but they had obviously heard a rumor about it from somewhere and my wife said they would really like to know the truth as they themselves couldn't believe it. I have to admit, I am with them on this one as, where I live at least, they appear to be anything but easy. I have had a few friends in the past who have constantly cursed how difficult it is, not to get a date, but to get any further than that. They are often curious enough to go on a dates but I think are too shy or frightened to go any further. What their families would think is also a key element to this. Easy Korean girls could be a Seoul or a big city phenomenon. Having never lived in Seoul, however, (and rarely visited) I cannot comment.
4. Do we only think of ourselves?

Although I was shocked at being considered an ungenerous man, the nurses saw this as further evidence that all Western people think only of themselves and not of others. My wife was quick to interject, however, with a comment about how Western people tend to have more individual thought processes but this doesn't necessarily mean selfishness as Koreans can be selfish but in different ways. She said they looked sceptical about this.
5. Why do we live for the moment and not save for the future?
They had the impression that Westerners mainly live for the moment, spending money on themselves in the present and not saving money for their family in the future. They saw this as being linked with selfishness as they thought Westerners did not think of their children, saving for their education, particularly. They were especially critical of the money we spend on travel, overseas and within the countries where we are living (think of weekends away).

6. Why are we always cheating on our brother's and sister's wives and husbands and our best friend's partners? And even more shocking, why are Westerners always getting divorced?
It seems that Western people's personal affairs come under a fair bit of scrutiny from the nurses. For the first part of this, their wonder at how immoral and licentious we are in relationships could be derived from their sources. Two aspects of popular Western culture are very popular in Korea and perhaps all round the world; US movies and TV dramas, and English Premiership football. In the case of scandalous affairs, it is obvious that they will be more prevalent in dramas and movies, and English soccer players are hardly examples of the best role models when it comes to behaviour, morals, and intelligence. As one of my students said to me the other day, 'Giggs, great player but why did he sex with his brother's wife? He is crazy man. His mind is trash.' Maybe if we could throw some statistics into the mix, it could show that Westerners are a touch more individual and impulsive leaving the door open for more illicit affairs. However, our movies, dramas, and soccer players can't be helping the situation.
Rather perversely, when it comes to divorce there could be a case of, 'The pot calling the kettle black', going on, as I was surprised to see Korea very high up on the list of divorce rates around the world, with some websites claiming they were tenth. However, other websites didn't even have Korea in the top 40 in divorces per 1000 people, so it is a little tricky as I couldn't really find a reliable source. The last word on most little debates though, wikipedia, show Korea to be higher than my country (the UK) back in 2004, so maybe they are right up there. It at least appears to prove that their accusation that we are always having divorces is, if not wrong, a tad hypocritical.
7. Why do we love car chases in movies so much (Americans at least)?

The Old Chesnuts
I felt like the following probably didn't need that much explaining as we have all heard them before and they speak for themselves, but I thought they would be useful to list anyway:
Why do we eat such terrible and unhealthy food?
Why are most Westerners fat and eat pizza and hamburgers all the time (linked to above)?
Why are we so much less polite and without manners (highly ironic)?
Why do we have a 'Western smell' of body odour?
Why are we so open minded to sex and drugs?
Why do we not respect old people?