Fashion Magazine

What Did You Discover About Your Personal Style?

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport
My Style Statement

My Style Statement

This week of the April Style Challenge was all about discovering and defining your personal style.

Now it’s time to make and assessment of what your style is?

It was interesting for me to read all your comments on my post about my style – and it was interesting how often the same words came up, but then also how different words appeared.

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about my personal style, and was recently challenged to break it down into a two word Style Statement.

Some of the things that I do know about my style are:

  1. Functional – it has to be functional for the occasion, whether I’m speaking in front of a corporate client, working with a personal client or hanging out with my kids.
  2. It also has to be functional in a practical sense for me. So if I’m taking a client shopping I need comfortable shoes, but they also need to look good, I’m not all function over form.
  3. Plus it needs to function in an aesthetic sense for me. I have to like it, find it attractive, and have it make me look good, suit my body shape, proportions, scale, variations and personality. All those elements that go together to make me who I am.
  4. My second style statement word is Individualist (thanks Vix for suggesting that). I like to put my own twist on my outfits, whether it’s my use of statement jewelry or bold color or creative garment construction, it’s my individual taste.

So that’s me – Functional Individualist.

Have you managed to distill your style statement into a few words or phrase that works for you? Please share! And if you’re still not sure share links to pics and everyone go and help!

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