Fashion Magazine

What Are Your Picks for May 1st?

By Shoesfashfit @lolashoelove
Finally, the first has come around again to fill our showrooms with new shoes!! I'm going to start with my Shoedazzle picks because I'm not really all that excited about SD this month.
I'm disappointed. The mid-heel boutique they introduced last month looked so promising! It was the first thing I was going to checkout this morning, but it's gone. I have looked through A LOT of showrooms, and I have found 0 mid-heels. I couldn't even find any new flats. I'm not going to spend a lot of time complaining about this. I understand that there are some ladies who wear and rock the 6" heels, for me personally I have enough of shy-high heels and want some fun mid-heels... It can be done! Fortunately I don't have to worry about skipping the month any more! Here's what my Shoedazzle showroom looks like:

What are your picks for May 1st?

Now, on to JustFab. First, here's what my showroom looks like:
What are your picks for May 1st?
Out of my showroom I like Garciella, Wilma and Aretha. But of course, I didn't stop there! Digging through other showrooms I found Phyllis, Tyra and Gianna.

What are your picks for May 1st?

Gianna, Tyra, the flat is Phyllis

I like more of the JustFab options this month. It looks like the new flats don't count towards the '$25 flat with purchase' deal, so that's a bummer because I really want Phyllis and Garciella! You can click here to join JustFab and your first purchase is 50% off.
Shoedazzle... Oh Shoedazzle. How I loved you for two long years, and you made my shoe collection what it is today! Please step up your mid-heel game! If you want to join Shoedazzle you can click here and get your first purchase for 20% off. 
What are you loving this month? Did you find anything awesome I might have missed?

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