What are the clothes you are wearing to attend your work? Are you entitled to wearing a specific suit or else a uniform type to work? Confirming your dress code with the employer is imperative since the relevant tax deductions are existing for you to take advantage of. You can claim many tax deductions for clothing related to work. Hence, a few rules are to be followed necessarily, especially under the guidance of tax agents hired from the licensed accounting and taxation service provider firm in Hobart, for making the righty claims and avoiding cashing with the ATO.
Now, read the guide in detail so you are sure about making the right claims, under the direction of the tax agents, to work out for you.
There are certain cases, wherein the most common deductions can be made for work clothing, which includes cleaning and its purchasing costs. A few tax-deductible items include -
i. Fire-Resistant Clothing
ii. Non-Slip Nurse Shoes
iii. Protective Clothing
iv. Smocks and Aprons
v. Sun Protection Clothing
vi. Rubber Boots
vii. Profession Specific Clothes
viii. Branded Uniform
With regards to protective clothing, the items must be providing actual protection against the different risks during working hours.
What Are the Tax Deductions You Cannot Claim for Work Clothing?
Tax deductions on work clothing have specific rules that must be followed. So, it is much important to make a note about these specific items to be used just for occupation. You cannot claim tax deductions for the regular clothes that you wear outside work; these regular clothing include jeans, suits, socks and shoes, and t-shirts which are not considered as work clothing or else protective wear. Sometimes, some people might take steps arguing that closed shoes offer a protection level. But unless the closed shoes are protective with regards to specific risks then they are not qualified for tax deductions.
Tax Deductions Meant For Work Uniforms
Are you having a compulsory uniform you must wear to work? Then as stated by the ATO, the compulsory uniforms identifying you as the worker employed at a specific organization - requires you to wear these clothes mandatorily when you are attending work. So, the cost involved in getting these uniforms is deductible. There are occupations requiring the workers to maintain professional uniform, which includes police officers, airline staff, emergency department, and supermarket staff among them.
Nevertheless, some uniforms are not compulsory, still, the company requires its staff to wear them. But if the clothes have been specifically designed for the company and is having distinct features, then under the guidance of the tax agents you will be able to claim the costs. The public cannot have access to these clothes for purchasing and using them.
Laundry Cleaning Tax Deductions For Your Work Clothing
With the help of the tax agents, are eligible in claiming tax deductions for the costs to wash, dry, and iron your working clothes. Written proof pertaining to the washing expenses are required for claims, which go higher than $150. You need not wash and iron your work clothes by yourself since the ATO has stated certain guidelines on the amounts to be used. You are allowed to make claims of only $1 per a load of work clothing. However, if you have other clothes included in the load, then the claim is going to be 50c per load.
There are more deductions you are allowed to claim for work clothing. However, you need to ensure maintaining the proper records to make the right claims, thus it is important to keep your tax agent informed about everything. You should always consult your tax agent regarding the claims you are making.
So, this discussion has made it clear that following the guidance of the tax agents to make claims for work clothing tax deductions is extremely crucial to stay in the legal loop. The tax agents will be working closely with you to ensure your tax return has been rightly lodged, and you can always consult them for professional assistance.