
What Are the Risks ?

Posted on the 23 January 2023 by L'Express

It is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day to stay hydrated. However, many people find it difficult to drink the recommended amount of water. It is therefore necessary to use a few reminder methods, a glass on the bedside table, for example, is a good way to remember to take a sip of water after waking up. However, certain risks exist when you keep a glass of water near your bed, find out which ones!

What are the risks of a glass of water on the bedside table at night?

Do you usually put a glass of water on the bedside table to drink at night or right after you wake up? It’s not necessarily a good idea.

Undesirable insects

A glass of water on the bedside table – Source: spm

Pouring water into an uncovered glass and leaving it for several hours can make it more vulnerable to different types of insects. It is possible for mosquitoes, flies and other insects to enter the glass overnight. Dust and other debris can also get into the water while we sleep, and it’s hard to tell them apart when we’re drinking in the dark.

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Water can change flavor

If we fill the glass with tap water, it probably contains chlorine necessary for its disinfection. But the chlorine will start to evaporate overnight, changing the taste of your water.

A breeding ground for germs

When we take a sip of water, we transfer millions of bacteria from our mouth to the glass and then to the water. So, if we drink at night and then fall asleep, the germs will have time to proliferate and, come morning, this water could be contaminated.

Electrical hazard

Many people have electrical outlets near their bed and often plug in phones and tablets to keep them close at hand. Therefore, if we put a glass of water on the bedside table and accidentally knock it over, the water could seep into the cables and, at least damage them, at worst cause a dangerous short circuit.

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disturbed sleep

Drink a glass of water placed on the bedside table

Drink a glass of water placed on the bedside table – Source: spm

If you keep a glass of water within sight, especially when you’re having trouble falling asleep, you’ll likely start drinking more and this will increase the need to go to the bathroom. This can disrupt your sleep cycle and rob you of restorative rest time, leaving you sleepy and tired in the morning.

In essence, it is advisable to preferably use glass bottles. This material is much more hygienic and with constant washing bacteria disappear. Avoid using plastic bottles whenever possible. If you want to keep a glass of water at night, near your bed, put a lid on it. Thus, if your water is kept in a closed container, its pH will not change and it will not be more susceptible to the growth of bacteria.

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