Never start off a whale watching trip by saying I never get seasick.
Despite looking at the high seas, I pressed my luck and said it anyway. I think you can imagine how the rest of the trip went.
Yes, predictably I did get sick, as did half of the other people on our boat. But despite getting sick, the whale watching trip I did in St. Lucia was one of the best whale watching trips I’ve ever done! Why you may ask? Well for one, we actually saw whales. You might think that’s a given on a whale watching trip, but not from my experience. Not only did we see whales, but a small pod of migrating humpbacks stopped long enough to put on a show – just meters from our boat, leaping out of the water and diving back in, their tails waving a temporary good-bye.
Humpback whale sightings offer the most incredible cure for sea sickness.
Within minutes of seeing them, I forgot I was sick. I continued to be amazed for a good 45 minutes.
I snapped photos like crazy, but quickly learned that a recovering stomach, rocky boat and big waves are not exactly ideal shooting conditions, as photo after photo turned out like this:

Always a second or two too late – although I must say my splash capturing skills are excellent

So I did the unthinkable for a travel blogger…..I put the camera away. Instead of focusing on trying to get the perfect shot, I focused on the incredible whales that were just meters from me.
I’m so glad I did.