Debate Magazine


Posted on the 05 September 2011 by Mikeb302000

Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. has outlets all over the country. His media empire includes everything from local TV stations and cable channels to local and national newspapers. With so much control over news media, Murdoch has unprecedented power to influence public debates.

Journalists at Murdoch’s New York Post, Wall Street Journal and FOX News Channel want people to know as little as possible about the phone-hacking scandal that originated at Murdoch's News of the World newspaper in England. The official company line is that the scandal is a political witch hunt orchestrated by jealous business rivals trying to tear Murdoch down. But there are serious allegations that News Corp. employees broke the law, including hacking into the private phone messages of Sept. 11 victims and bribing public officials.

So grab your mallet and hammer away for better media, not bigger media. After you play the game, take action and tell Congress it's time to launch an investigation.

Learn more at our Murdoch and Media Policy resource page.

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