Politics Magazine

WeszMadz Top Tweets from #ITWebSocial

Posted on the 15 August 2013 by Weszmadz @weszmadz

A selection of the Tweets I found interesting from the ITWeb Social Media Summit 2013

Mo – Ya’eesh@Mo_Yaeesh You know you’re a geek at a geek event when no ones talking to eachother and everyone is frantically typing away #ITWebSocial

@marshyp16m: Thanx to @WeszMadz and @tallulahlucy for the Social Media Summit tweets yol got me glued to my timeline #ITWebSocial

@ITWeb #ITWebSocial “Don’t let your customers have more technology than you – otherwise they’ll beat you up with it.” – @ryanhogarth

@DavidGrahamSA @weszmadz . . . and make the investment to learn, understand and master all the functions and features offered by LinkedIn #ITWebSocial

@Mo_Yaeesh Jeez these Microsoft dudes could bring about world peace with a simple presentation.. Hide your women #ITWebSocial

@Jeanine_F Except that I am freaking out & going through my feed with a fine tooth comb, @mngomezulu_n ‘s talk on SM law was amazing

@TkaySA “When great minds come together, anything is possible…” Thank you #itwebsocial

@WeszMadz Putting Social Icons on Your Website is NOT a Social Media Strategy #ITWebSocial

@WeszMadz Use CRM and social together to maximize revenue #ITWebSocial

@WeszMadz Social is not a destination! It is a capability that provides a transportation service #ITWebSocial

@WeszMadz Get Mobile! #ITWebSocial almost every speaker is saying Go Mobile! Be Mobile!

@WeszMadz Use Hashtags to be found #ITWebSocial

@WeszMadz Social Media Landscape is changing everyday. Change your strategy on a regular basis #ITWebSocial


@WeszMadz Companies are blocking Social Media access at work but they have follow us icons on their websites #ITWebSocial

@tallulahlucy: So in other words I’d better never say anything dodgy because I’m totally associated with my company #ITWebSocial

@WeszMadz Don’t bring your employer into disrepute as a result of your comments on Social Media #ITWebSocial it can be used in your disciplinary

@WeszMadz You may publish something that’s defamatory as long as you can back it up. fair comment #ITWebSocial

@WeszMadz You have the right to privacy but is your expectation of that privacy reasonable #ITWebSocial

@WeszMadz No platform will be a success if there is no strategy #ITWebSocial we have different platforms for a reason.

@liamarus Don’t cut and paste one post across all social media platforms #hrpulse #ITWebsocial

@WeszMadz Data is a pain point, we are the 12th most expensive Internet in the world! #ThankYouTelkom #ITWebSocial

@WeszMadz There is no space for B2B on Mxit, they are no deals! It’s about search then you sorted, it’s about B2C on Mxit #itwebsocial

@Mo_Yaeesh: I think there should be a day dedicated purely to Social Media Law – Very insightful #itwebsocial

@jonmetricas @RichSimmondsZA @WeszMadz @jamaaludeen most popular users at #ITWebSocial http://twtb.in/2F7E13uhze8  via @TweetBinder

According to TweetBinder.com #ITWebSocial. WeszMadz was the Most Active User and the Most Original Tweets Generated. Oh Yes! I also won a R1000 Kalahari.com Voucher!! What a fruitful day. Thank You ITWeb!

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