Dining Out Magazine

Wendy’s to Millennials: “We Get It. You Want to Pay with Your Phone. But You Have to Stop Playing with It for a Second.”

By Keewood @sellingeating

That’s the same chain who recently removed the term “old-fashioned” from its corporate logo.

Here’s a screen shot of the app, which I’m borrowing from the MacRumors website.

Wendy's mobile payment is further proof that this isn't Dave Thomas's little old-fashioned burger joint anymore.

Burger King already said it’s doing the same thing. McDonald’s says it’s trying to figure out exactly how it wants to do it, and so is Chipotle.

Meanwhile, Starbucks just smiles, serves you a beer, and waits for you to fish your phone out of your pocket. “Boop!” the Starbucks register says. Cheers.

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