Today there’s a lot of chatter about the update of Wendy’s logo—first update since before MTV existed—and how she’s retained her innocence but grown up a little (like a lot of YA heroines), and is not quite as old-fashioned and square (burgers remain, presumably, both).
But there’s simultaneously updates of Long John Silver’s, and Arby’s. (The links take you to a nice blog called “Brand New” that offer insightful design critiques of the updates; of the three redesigns, they are most approving of Wendy’s.) There’s no named characters in those logos is probably why USA Today didn’t comment on those refreshes.
But it all certainly points to the attempt to reassure consumers that they can have a fast casual or maybe even casual dining experience at a lower cost, if they just direct their minivans to the parking lots of places that used to pride themselves in their grab-n-go efficiency.
I mean, for crying out loud, would you consider Wendy’s as a resource for this (from the USA Today article)?:
In addition to raising perceptions about its food, [CEO] Brolick is focusing on renovating outdated restaurants with a look that features natural lighting, flat-screen TVs and a variety of seating options, including cushy chairs in nooks.”
Cushy chairs in nooks. To eat burgers that, in the old days, dripped so much juice they encouraged you to use a whole tree’s worth of napkins.
Consider buying shares in signage companies, by the way.