Weltenburger Kloster is a Benedictine monastery that has existed for nearly 1,000 years in Bavaria. It boasts the second oldest known brewery which was founded in 1050 CE and has been brewing continually since its creating, with the exception of 1803 to 1858 when the monastery was dissolved during the Napoleonic era. Currently, Weltenburger brews a whole host of typical German beers including: Pils, Helles Lagers, Bocks, Weises, etc.
Barock Dunkel is the brewery’s Dunkel or “Dark” Lager. Weltenburger claims that their Dunkel is the worlds oldest dark beer, although I’m not sure about veracity of this claim. It is a dark beer brewed by one of the world’s oldest breweries.
Appearance: Brown, tan head, solid retention.
Aroma: Chocolate, toffee, walnuts, toast.
Taste: Chocolate, toffee, toast, earthy notes.
Overall Impression: Sometimes Dunkels can be a touch too sweet for my tastes, this one is nicely dry and balanced. If you like dark beer flavor, but are looking for something a bit less robust than a porter or a stout, this Dunkel Lager would certainly do the trick. This is another very nice example of German monastic brewing.
Availability: Weltenburger is imported by S&H Independent Brands. You can consult with their website to find a local distributor that can help you find the Weltenburger.
4.7% ABV
You can read more reviews and history on my page dedicated to Klosterbraurei Weltenburger here.