Culture Magazine

Welsh Cancer Charity Tenovus Announces 'Himalaya Trek'

By Americymru @americymru

welsh cancer charity tenovus logo

AmeriCymru: Croeso i AmeriCymru Bethan and thanks for agreeing to be interviewed about the vital work that you do. Care to introduce Tenovus for the benefit of our readers? When was it founded? What does it do?   Bethan: In 1943, Tenovus was founded by ten businessmen. Initially, the charity funded a wide range of projects in the local area. These ranged from building the Sunshine House for Blind Babies just outside Cardiff, to donating a washing machine to a widow with seven children who had lost an arm.
In the 1960s, Tenovus embarked on a project which was to influence our work for the next 40 years. We built the Tenovus Institute for Cancer Research in Cardiff which carried out vital research into the causes of cancer. Since then, we have concentrated our efforts on cancer and are now recognised for our pioneering work.
Today we are Wales’ leading cancer charity and work in partnership to deliver innovative research-led cancer prevention, treatment and support in the community......Himalaya Trek More Here

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