In order to maintain this blog, I have decided to include some personal entries. Chronicling my life post-university as I get eaten alive by the Capitalist society. I entitle this section: Well Educated and Skint.
Apparently it means nothing in the job market to have a good BA Honors degree in Politics and a Masters of Law in Human Rights at the world's 197th* university (the University of Leicester). *according to the Times Higher Education rankings 2011/2012
Potential employers don't so much as blink in my direction before dismissing my lack of experience. Having perpetually been in education since the age of 5 (that's 18 years), I fail to see where I had the spare time to have gained "substantial experience in the field." I have two career dreams: to be a writer or a researcher. I have successfully spent 5 years both researching and writing and I have 2 degrees to prove it! However, I am, apparently, unemployable.
The aforementioned Capitalist society has provided me with a delightful temp job at a warehouse, which should gently see me through to Christmas. Unless the usual hurdles of life trip me up, at the moment my mobile phone company is threatening to take half my wages, my LoveFilm subscription is clinging on to me like a baby Orangutan and my boyfriend lives a tank of petrol away. But I endeavour to stay positive... watch this space.
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Author's Latest Articles
Make a House a Home (if You Can Afford To)
Scandal: (noun) An Action Or Event Regarded as Morally Or Legally Wrong and Causing General Public Outrage.
Who I Am? Complaining About Having Nothing to Complain About and Other Stories by the White, Working-class Woman.
Volunteering: The Experience of a Lifetime