Lifestyle Magazine

Welcoming Autumn with Bettys, Bombay Duck and ELLE Wedding

By Remielund @remsluxuryblog

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Can you believe autumn is here? I’m actually sat here writing this post in the dark and it’s 6.45am! It’s going to be a hectic day ahead in the day job so I’m getting a head start this morning. Being a freelance copywriter means that I work odd hours. 5 30 am starts are now normal but it does mean I can pop out during the day for cake breaks with my favorite people. For me, the first day of autumn was centred completely around buying and eating cake. My Mum has been unwell recently so my best friend and I took her some Bettys cakes as a get well soon gift. *readjusts halo* Now that I’m a freelance copywriter I’m no longer based a stone’s throw away from Bettys so I now have the excuse to bulk buy! Like the saying goes, I eat cake because it’s someone’s birthday somewhere. Read on to discover my thoughts on the new wedding magazine from ELLE and the best cakes to eat while reading it.

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Miss Darcy Polka Dot Cake Stand from Bombay Duck.  Similar one here…

Firstly, how adorable is this cake stand from Bombay Duck? Their new homeware collection is to die for and their website is dangerous if like me you have a new house that requires an endless amount of furnishing. The Miss Darcy collection is my favorite and as well as the cake stand I also have the matching cups and saucers in this range. I’ve made a little Bombay duck wish list in the form of a Pinterest board so I can add to my collection over the next few months. The cupcake teaspoons will be mine!

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I’ve always been obsessed with Bettys but their autumnal range of treats is sublime. Let’s start from the top. Bettys do the most amazing macaroons in Yorkshire and I’m always tempted to pick some up every time I visit. I tell myself they’ll look pretty in blog posts  but I always eat them all before I have chance to take any pictures. These ones are strawberry flavoured but you can pick up a mixed box with lots of different flavours if you are that way inclined. Huddled on the middle tier are the most delicious chocolate ganache mice and marzipan apples.

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Just look at this marzipan apple! A delicious sponge cake masquerading as one of your five a day. Marzipan is Mum’s favorite so she was over the moon with these. After all, an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

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In my opinion you can’t beat a fondant fancy. I may have eaten two of these in a row but shhhhhh don’t tell anyone. The wedding diet starts soon I promise. You can find lots more autumn Betty treats online here including opulent fox brownies and squirrel cookies.

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In true form, my Mum had a surprise of her own up her sleeve. A shiny new copy of the very first wedding edition of ELLE magazine. After initially being outraged at the £7 price tag, I opened it with high expectations. While it is filled with beautiful things, for that price I had kind of expected more. A pop up wedding perhaps or something of that calibre. After hours of talking weddings, we left armed with treats. Of course we didn’t leave Mum completely alone. We left her this little fellow to keep her company.

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How did you spend the first day of autumn? Have you tried Bettys autumnal cakes?

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Welcoming Autumn with Bettys, Bombay Duck and ELLE Wedding

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