International Business
Jan 17, 2012
by Charles W. L. HillHardcover
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This semester, you will increase your understanding of global markets and various regions of the world. This course will provide you with insights into the global context of business. You will become familiar with the logistics of international trade and cross-border investments.
These skills are increasingly important to employers who are opening and integrating multiple markets around the world. Starbucks has stores in over 50 countries.
Follow me on Twitter @ socialmediaevie
so I can send you digital hand-outs and from my Pinterest Boards.
Here’s an interesting definition of globalization for you to consider throughout this course:
“Globalization”: http://pinterest.com/pin/237213105346295435/ …
1. Globalization and Firms: Watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SnR-e0S6Ic#action=share
The lowering of trade barriers has encouraged the globalization of markets and production. International Managers operate in an increasingly complex and competitive environment.
2. Watch this video about the Pros and Cons of Globalization
This International Business course will help you understand the complexity of the global business environment by exploring international trade and finance, marketing and management issues. You will learn about the following concepts: differences in legal systems, political systems, economic policy, language, accounting standards, labor standards,
- 1. Read all Lewis University Blackboard Lessons
- 2. Follow me on Twitter!
- @socialmediaevie
Read every lesson that I send you in Blackboard and follow in-text links.
Complete every weekly assignment in Blackboard and do not fall behind.

Cover of International Business
on Amazon.com use “97800780
29240″ in the search box
We will use the On-line
learning center each week.
In the weekly
assignments in Blackboard, you will
weekly assignments to complete:
video exercises, weekly tests and cases,
specific assignments from the chapters;
Global Edge Assignments.