Books Magazine

Welcome Darlene Jones for Mention Monday!

By Stacyeaton @StacySEaton

Welcome Darlene Jones for Mention Monday! It's Mention Monday! 
Today we have with us
Darlene Jones, Author of Empowered
Welcome Darlene!!
Tell us a bit about yourself: 
Do you work another job when you are not writing? 
Yes, playing with my granddaughter who is now 3 and it’s the best job I’ve ever had. 
What is your favorite thing to do when you aren’t writing? 
Welcome Darlene Jones for Mention Monday!I love to body board and am lucky enough to spend 4 months in Mexico at a beach that is perfect for boarding. 
What is your favorite color? Why? 
Red, because it’s so dramatic.
What is your favorite season? Why? 
I love different aspects of each season – the color of fall leaves and the crisp air, the white winter wonderland, the vibrant green of spring, the warm summer sun, but I do admit that I don’t like the bitter cold of winter. 
If you could live anyplace on earth, where would it be? Why? 
Right where I am. I love my home on Vancouver Island and I love Canada. I’ve traveled a lot, but there really is no place like home.
If you could have any car, what would it be? 
A Nissan – top of the line. I have an older Nissan Altima right now. 
Tell us about your writing: 
How long have your been writing? Was it a dream, a goal or is it just a hobby?
 I’ve been writing for over ten years, but it’s only been the last 3 or 4 that I’ve worked at it more seriously with the aim of being published. 
How many hours a day do you devote to writing? 
Not as much as I would like, as marketing is a big job. Sometimes I don’t write at all, but then the muse hits and write furiously for days. I do a short blog bit every week – mostly humorous. 
Do you have a set routine or do you write when the mood strikes? 
I do have a routine for marketing and writing and I try to be consistent, but my mood definitely affects what I do when. Then of course real life gets in the way. 
Is there some place special you like to be when you write? 
Yes, at my desk which has views of the ocean and mountains. 
Do you listen to music or do you need a quiet place to write? 
I definitely prefer quiet. 
Tell us about your book: 
Welcome Darlene Jones for Mention Monday!EMPOWERD is the second in the series. All of the books can be read as stand alones. A being from “out there somewhere” took over a woman’s life. Without revealing spoilers, I can only say that he’s a rookie and he messed up the first time, but his superiors have given him a second chance. It’s a love story (love triangle) set on Earth with a scifi twist that gives it added magic.
Where did the idea come from?
 LOL I had insomnia and played with the story line trying to put myself to sleep. It didn’t work so I started to write the first book. Originally I only planned one book. The story and characters took over and one has grown to four. 
Your other work:
Do you have any upcoming projects in the works or other books that have been published? Yes, to both. My first book EMBATTLED is out already and I hope to have the third, EMBRACED, out this fall. 
Where can readers connect with you?  
Website: www.emandyves.comBlog: Facebook:!/EmandYvesTwitter: @darlenejones47Goodreads:
Where can we buy your books? 
Amazon for print and Kindle and Smashwords for all other eReaders

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