Society Magazine

Weekly Weigh-ins and No Food After 6pm – Diet Techniques for DOGS

Posted on the 03 March 2014 by 72point @72hub

Weekly weigh-ins, no food after 6pm and cutting down on snacks are just some of the ways the nation’s DOGS are trying to lose weight, according to new research. Researchers discovered six in 10 dog owners in Britain have resorted to putting their dog on a diet in a bid to slim them down.

Other measures include putting pictures of thin dogs on the fridge, banning guests from feeding their pet and encouraging the dog to drink more water so it feels full at mealtimes.

The poll by Butcher’s Lean & Tasty found a quarter of dog owners have even resorted to dieting with their dog, with a fifth getting on the scales at the same time as their pet to see if they have also lost weight.

Incredibly, one in five dog owners have even tried to adapt human diets to something appropriate for the animal, looking to Weight Watchers and Slimming World for tips on how to create a healthy meal plan for their canine friend.

Clare Scallon from Butchers Lean & Tasty, which polled 1,641 owners whose dog is on a diet to launch its Fittest Dog in the UK Competition said:

“It is great news to hear that so many pet owners are taking the health of their dog seriously, some of the measures people are taking appear extraordinary.

“Everyone agrees it is unhealthy for a pet dog to be overweight it is really important to make sure they have a healthy well balanced diet, and get plenty of exercise.

“So while it’s good to hear that people are paying attention to the food their dog is eating, they very definitely should not be using human diets as a way of helping them to lose weight.

“Human diets are tailored to human needs, and owners need to be very careful their pet is still receiving the right amount of nutrients needed for their dog.

“Simply by cutting out treats & swapping the usual meaty food for Butcher’s Lean & Tasty, dog owners already will have started a healthier & less calorific feeding pattern. You know your dog better than anyone else, but if in doubt talk to your vet or other pet expert for advice on achieving a healthy diet.”

The study found 34% of owners have even introduced a ‘flex’ day where their dog can have a day off the diet, and is treated for being so good the rest of the time.

Six in 10 people practice ‘portion control’ with their pet, reducing the size of their meals so they are not over-eating.

And while 33% of owners are guilty of trying to feed their pooch seemingly healthy human food, 24% are smart enough to cut out biscuits and chocolate.

When it comes to exercise, Brits seem to have the right idea as in addition to regular walks, they are letting the dog into the garden more frequently for a run around, and investing in lots of dog toys to encourage active play.

The research also found Labradors are the dogs which are most like to be overweight, followed by Border Collies, Spaniels and Beagles.

The average dog currently on a diet is overweight, according to their owner, by roughly five pounds in total, although a hefty one in 10 tip the scales by an additional 10 pounds.

A quarter of dog owners only realised their pooch needed to watch its waistline after the vet told them it was overweight.

A further one in six owners decided to put their dog on a diet after realising it was getting tired during walks, while a further fifth said their dog started getting obsessed with food.

Other reasons behind over half of the nation’s dog being put on diets includes the dog being enormous, no longer being able to feel their ribs, health issues and wanting the dog to attract a mate.

Clare Scallon from Butchers Lean & Tasty added:

“Our dogs are an integral part of our lives and rely on us to ensure they are happy and healthy – we shouldn’t be putting our dogs on human ‘diets’.

“Instead we should be making sure they get plenty of exercise and a healthy nutritionally balanced diet such as Butcher’s Lean & Tasty which has less fat and fewer calories.”


1. Conduct regular weigh ins
2. Top up the water bowl regularly so the dog doesn’t feel hungry
3. Practise portion control
4. Let the dog into the garden frequently
5. Feed the dog before 6pm every day
6. Invest in lots of dog toys
7. Banned dog snacks, treats and bones
8. Ban guests from treating the dog
9. Cut down the number of meals the dog eats
10. Give the dog a ‘flex’ day to make it easier to diet
11. Feed the dog healthy human food
12. Eating in another room away from the dog
13. Stick up pictures of thin dogs
14. Cut out human leftovers
15. Not eating in front of the dog
16. Dieting with the dog
17. Cut out biscuits and chocolate
18. Adapt a human diet
19. Weigh yourself at the same time as the dog
20. Never give the dog meat (which is crazy as dog’s naturally eat meat)


1. Labrador
2. Border Collie
3. Spaniel
4. Beagle
5. Mixed breed
6. Boxer
7. Terrier
8. Bassett hound
9. Jack Russell
10. Bulldog

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