Food & Drink Magazine

Weekend Roundup: Let Them Eat Cake

By Calvin Eaton @glutenfreechef5

Cake. Cake. and more Cake seems to be the proverbial theme for us as we settle into our lives as full time gluten free bakers. The orders are pouring in and we couldn’t be more thrilled. In house decorator du jour (Blossom) is busier than ever and covered in more fondant than I’ve ever seen. Check out some of her gems from the past week below:

graduation cake

A handsome cake for a special friend and her 2014 graduate.

Weekend roundup: Let Them Eat Cake
Weekend roundup: Let Them Eat Cake
Weekend roundup: Let Them Eat Cake

Every. Piece is Edible. Bloss has really outdone herself with this toy chest! #A+MAZING


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