Well we successfully made it through our opening day and week as retail store and bakery owners! I know I keep using adjectives like surreal, overwhelming, emotional, exhausting etc but I honestly cannot think of any other words to describe our experience. To be living out a dream is still mind boggling and well surreal :) We are in a quick recovery mode from all the work, the overnights, and festivities of our equally never ending and whirlwind week. I’m still slightly dazed and tongue tied so I let me show you rather than try to write how A+mazing our week went.
Speaking of weddings Blossom was able to flex some major decorating muscle with this birch cake. In our very first week.
Congratulations SMB and SEL!
Monster multigrain loaves. Need I say more?
Yes it is gluten free. And A+mazing.
Little bodies. Major appetites. Blossom’s cousins came and devoured
And this is just a small glimpse into our FIRST WEEK EVER. We really needed a camera crew to capture all of our laughs, cries, tears, whining, and every other emotion in between. But we plan to be in business for a very long time. So in words of Porky the Pig “That’s all folks.”
P.S. Thank you to all of the family and friends that supported us this week and over the last several months. We literally could not be here without the love and support from every single one of you!