This has been a year of saying things are fine. So much happening, it's hard to dwell. It's fine, it's fine, we're fine. And we are fine. We're healthy, we're safe, the business had a rough couple of months in the spring but is now back to 2019 numbers, we're fine. And then my kid asked to see photos of our Halloween costumes from previous years and it was such a stark reminder of how things are not fine. This isn't fine. We're not fine.
My kid has an outdoor socially distant event with her Girl Scout troop where she can wear a costume and carve a pumpkin and have fun with friends, but there's no Trick or Treating. We're having over my sister (we're a "quaranteam" with her and my mom) to watch a Halloween movie instead. And we're so lucky to have even those events. So lucky to have a kid of an age where she was starting to feel aged out of Trick or Treating and an age where she understands how important it is to wear a mask and be distanced from friends to keep them and herself safe. But this isn't fine.
If you haven't voted, please vote. And please vote so we can head back to fine, because these past four years on top of the 'demic and all the issues that we already had as a country is just too much. Just like wearing a mask, don't vote for yourself, vote for others. Because that's the only way we'll head into a fine direction.
Weekend Reads
Beauty brands were quick to tout diversity during summer protests, but the commitment was short-live(Fast Company)
I read this after hearing one of my daughter's teachers mention she is supposed to have 31 kids in the class but has never had more than 20 ever attend at once and several kids have never attended the entire semester. In shelters without Wi-Fi, homeless kids can't even get online for class. (The Cut)
An interesting journey for a friend of a friend of mine: His prized bass vanished 27 years ago. DC musicians raised money to buy it back. (Washingtonian)
America's unregulated fertility industry offers patients few protections. (Vice)
I saw this article first on Facebook, and shared it on Twitter. I saw many sharing it, justifying the reopening of schools, bars, and restaurants. I think those people are missing critical parts of the article. Masks must be consistently worn, which is utterly impossible if you are drinking or eating. And classrooms can only be occupied for an hour at a time and then aired out - where do the students go during that time, into the hallway? How do they get outside and what do they do in inclement weather? Anyway, if you haven't seen it, it's quite interesting. (El País)
Are you there God? It's me, menopause. (Glamour)
The tempting nostalgia of '90s-era perfume. (Vogue)
How conspiracy theorists co-opted #SavetheChildren to lure suburban moms into Qanon. (Elle)
Meet Violet Sky, the 19-year-old living like it's 1985. (Tue/Night)
How are audiences adapting to the age of virtual theater? (New Yorker)
What was fun? (Vox)
My friend Tashira wrote a powerful piece about why she chose not to wear a wig when she went through chemotherapy. (Politics & Fashion)
'Very Nice!': Kazakhstan, Outraged No More, Embraces Borat In New Slogan. (NPR)
If you loved the Demi Lovato song I shared last weekend, you may enjoy this. (Rolling Stone)
I don't usually include two videos into one Weekend Read but by golly, I could NOT not share this one! It's not the greatest 'Time Warp' in the world, this is just a tribute. Enjoy, and if you haven't already, PLEASE VOTE!
I am still reading So You Want to Talk About Race and it's really good. If you made an attempt to read some of the bestsellers about being anti-racist this summer but didn't finish them, try this book. It's very clear, upfront, and conversational with great ideas on how to redirect conversations, reply back to comments, and question how you see things.
These days it's important to find pleasure in the little things, and one thing my family and I are loving is watching Wheel of Fortune and together. My husband and I both were raised in families that watched both, and like our kid we as children far preferred Wheel to Jeopardy but we watched both and as we got older, appreciated Jeopardy. We turn on the TV a little before 7pm (the time Wheel comes on where we live) and pause it so we can watch it when we're free or after dinner or whatever and be able to fast-forward through commercials.
The show This is Us is back and the season's two-hour premiere definitely brought on the waterworks. This show always makes me cry, but it's nice to have something to give you permission for tears and I've been watching since the first season. I appreciated how they incorporated both BLM and the 'demic into the script this season. And wow that plot twist at the end took me by surprise!
For Your Entertainment
I may not have enjoyed The Idea of You, a novel which is a bit of fan fiction envisioning a 40-something dating Harry Styles, but I do enjoy Harry Styles. He's talented and creative and stylish and unique and yes, utterly gorgeous. And he came out with new video this week so of COURSE, I had to share!