Fashion Magazine

Weekend Reading: 29 October 2011

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

I wrote this article for my recent newsletter (if you’re not a subscriber fill in the form —–> and you too will receive it along with event notifications and monthly subscriber specials). It’s called One Night Stands vs Keepers

Speaking of events, I’m speaking this Wednesday evening 7pm at the Diamond Valley Library on my 5 Step Formula for a Fabulous Wardrobe – I’d love to see you there – so please book your ticket (they’re free) via the library.

From The Beheld – a really moving and important piece about abuse and self-image – please read it.

Love this Swiss Cheese Theory of Life

Hourglassy talks the Golden Mean and proportions for those of us with large busts.

Sal shares some great tips on Petite Style

We all know magazines photoshop mercilessly, but now they’re getting rid of arms and think we won’t notice?  Read about it at Beauty Schooled

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