Lifestyle Magazine

Weekend Find: How To Upcycle Your Grocery Tote Bags

By G J @myfavesjournal

Valentines-Day-Grocery-Bag-DIYHappy Monday, Faves! 

Are you in the mood for some DIY? I came across this awesome DIY Grocery Tote Bag on Lily Shop, one of my favorite sites, and just had to share it with you all.

Here’s what you’ll need: Freezer paper, Canvas tote bag, Paint brush, Fabric paint, Iron, Scissors

1: First thing first you need freezer paper. This is going to act as your stencil and you will iron this to your bag. You can find freezer paper in your regular grocery store.

2: Now take your canvas tote and iron out all the wrinkles. Lay it flat on your surface. Note: You can buy plain colored tote bags at Michaels or even cheaper online.

3: Print out the design you are going to cut out and trace on your bag. You could also freehand a design on freezer paper if you didn’t want to use a printer.

4: Now trace your design on your freezer paper. This is IMPORTANT! Trace your design on the matte side of the paper. The shiny side of the freezer paper will be ironed down to your tote bag. Cut out your design. Remeber that the portion you cut out will be where the color goes.

5: Iron your stencil to your bag. Your heat should be set to whatever fabric your bag is. I used a canvas bag so my heat was on HIGH. It only takes about one minute for the freezer paper to adhere to your bag.

6: Now paint inside your stencil and let dry for 10 minutes.

7: Peel off your stencil and touch up any weird areas.

Lily Shop is a site where you can not only sell your own handmade and vintage items, but listing is also FREE for crafty sellers. Check out more gorgeous DIYs and crafty goodies for sale on Lily Shop.

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Filed under: Accessories, Bags, DIY, Get This Look, Home, How-To, Living, Picnic Idea, Weekend Finds

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