Art & Design Magazine

Weekend Espresso :: Sunday Comics

By Ventipop @ventipop

Hope you're all having a great long weekend...eating, drinking and watching some college football. Here's the second edition of the Weekend Espresso (yes, I've changed the name already). These "mini-grinds" should tide you over til we're back fully fledged Tuesday. Here are five fun things worth sharing today:

Weekend Espresso :: Sunday Comics
  1. An Ohio State student made an impossible shot and got his classmates all 100s on their Organic Chemistry Quiz.
  2. KFC's secret recipe isn't a secret anymore.
  3. Why do almost all zippers have "YKK" stamped on them?
  4. This one hit a little close to home. "Congratulations, you quit your job."
  5. It's always fun to watch Jimmy Fallon freak out:

Weekend Espresso :: Sunday Comics

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