Fashion Magazine

Wednesday: Back in Black

By Wardrobeoxygen
Wednesday: Back in Black Wednesday: Back in Black Wednesday: Back in Black Wednesday: Back in Black Wednesday: Back in Black Sweater: Ann Taylor (years old) | Pants: Ann Taylor (similar) | Necklace: Got in Key West | Heels: Boutique 9 | Silver Cuff | Coat: Via Spiga | Scarf: Ann Taylor (similar) | Bag: Sabina (similar)
It's back to work for me! I went in the office the day after Christmas and did a few hours at home over the past week or so, but otherwise have been off and it was GLORIOUS! I feel recharged and ready for work, though spending so much QT with Emerson made it SUPER hard to leave her today. Last night she said she was scared of the dark even with her Twilight Turtle so she got in bed with us for a couple hours. I slept fine, but I guess she kept kicking and scratching Karl so he took her back to her room where she slept soundly the rest of the night. Guess she just needed a bit of reassurance!
Lately I have just wanted to wear a lot of black, don't know if it's my inner rock star crying out, a bit of laziness, or color overload. When I did my outfit recap post, I realized how very much color I have worn this year. While I adore color and think people look better in colors they love, I think I was fighting something with the color - fighting depression, anger, jealousy, the blogosphere... something. Lately I just want to chill and enjoy the moment and am finding it easier in darker shades and an attention to detail, shapes, and fabrics. We'll see how 2013 goes... I know color won't disappear any time soon, but I think I've outgrown colorblocking and Rainbow Brite-esque ensembles.  I'm not gloomy, I'm just reassessing!
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