Charity Magazine

Wedding Registry for Charity

Posted on the 21 August 2011 by Steveliu @charitablegift

Wedding charity registryTraditionally, the giving of wedding gifts was a way for friends and family to help a young couple get started as they move out of their parents’ home and start their new life in an empty new home. Of course, these days couples are waiting longer before getting married. So what happens when the bride and groom already have all the linens and toasters and cookware they need–twice over? And just writing on the invitation “no need for a gift, your presence is gift enough” is nice, but at the end of the day guests feel unsettled because, well, it’s bred into society that you’re supposed to give something at a wedding (plus they feel ridiculous when everyone ignores the instructions and lavishes presents anyway).

The I DO Foundation has a very cool solution. They allow the couple to set up what they call charity registries.  Just like with a gift registry, guests can donate to a number of charitable causes securely online. The donations are completely tax deductible. The charities range from health to environmental cuases, to social justice charities to community development to educational and children’s charities. Chances are your guests will find a charity of their liking.

Having said all that, getting cool presents is a part of getting married, of course. The I DO Foundation also provides a Charitable Gift Registry where your guests can buy from a number of well-known retail sites and a percentage of proceeds to go to charity (the purchaser pays what he or she would anyway, the extra is taken out of the retailer). It’s a way to do good while still getting the goods


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