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Wedding “Paperwork:” What is Necessary and What Isn’t?

By Weddingblog2011

Wedding paperwork: there sure seems to be a lot of it. Aside from the legal-based paperwork, there is the paperwork that must be decided upon during wedding planning. This includes things like "save the date" cards, invitations, thank-you notes, etc. In a time when electronic communication is so integral to a person's life, is it really necessary to send all of these items? Below, we'll take a closer look at each type of "paperwork" and determine whether it is or isn't necessary.

Save the Date Cards

Save the date cards are a fairly new trend; in times past, brides simply sent invitations and if a recipient could make it, he or she RSVP'd. These days, people lead busier lives and tend to plan things well in advance, so save the date cards can actually be quite helpful. However, they are certainly not required.

The Wedding Invitation

While you may be thinking, of course this is required, the truth is that many brides are phasing physical wedding invitations out and opting for email invitations. Digital RSVP databases make keeping track of family and friends who are coming to the wedding super easy, and it's more convenient for the bride. However, those who are sticklers for etiquette should know that it's still considered bad form not to send a paper invitation through the mail.

RSVP Cards

RSVP cards are typically sent with the wedding invitation, and allow guests to let the bride and groom know right away whether they will be able to attend or not. While many brides are still sending RSVP cards, some are placing links to their wedding website or another online database where guests can digitally RSVP. This really comes down to a matter of personal preference and whether you want to send cards that guests need to return.

Thank You Notes

In today's digital-based world, many people assume that physical thank-you cards are unnecessary, especially when you can just send guests an email or a text to thank them for gifts or for attending. Actually, the thank-you note may be the most important piece of "paperwork" on this list. Wedding etiquette demands that thank you notes not only be physically sent out, but that they be sent out within the first 2 weeks after the wedding. If you're on the fence about this one, jump down and start addressing those envelopes!

Although wedding websites are threatening to make most of the above items obsolete, many people feel as if a wedding is still an occasion which demands formal correspondence. What is your view on the situation? Let us know how you feel in the comments below!

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