Cake toppers are typically the most personalized aspect of a wedding cake, so it's usually pretty important to couples that they find the perfect one. We've collected our favorite cake toppers for various wedding themes and are excited to share them with you!
This is the perfect cake topper for a vintage themed wedding! Perhaps that's because it is vintage. Ask your grandparents if they saved their own topper and have a look at theirs for inspiration.
We love this topper for the modern, zombie-obsessed bride and groom of today. It's hilarious and really works to convey the couple's unique personality!
This custom topper is specifically made for a police officer and his wife. These are created by an Etsy artist, and can be done for couples in virtually every profession.
For the couple who doesn't care for people-like toppers, something like this is perfect. These vintage-inspired "signs" are creative and beautiful.
These love birds are so cute and artistic - we love them for the quirky couple who isn't afraid to be eccentric!
These are all great topper ideas that you can use for inspiration as you choose the topper that is perfect for you and your spouse!