Weather Magazine

The Hottest Place on Earth
by Conroy Burning Death ValleyFor those of you who, like me, are interested in the extremes of our natural world, there is a new hottest place on Earth: Death Valley,... Read more

Why All Hurricanes Look The Same From Space
image credit Every satellite photo of a hurricane looks a lot like the last one. The striking similarity has to do with how hurricanes form. Hurricanes are a type of tropical... Read more
The Hottest Place on Earth
by Conroy Burning Death ValleyFor those of you who, like me, are interested in the extremes of our natural world, there is a new hottest place on Earth: Death... Read more
The 17 September 2012 by Conroy
2012 - April 19th - Unaweep-Tabeguache Byway
Occasionally while working as a reporter, I would be able to head out to shoot a story and not be bounded by time. This was one of those days. Read more
The 23 September 2012 by Danncianca
2012 - April 30th - Juanita Arch/Maverick Canyon
I had noticed Juanita Arch early on in my exploration of the maps of the area. Located in Maverick Canyon, which feeds the Dolores River south of Gateway,... Read more
The 29 September 2012 by Danncianca