Fashion Magazine

Wearing Clothes You Hate? It’s Time for a Wardrobe Revolution!

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

Wardrobes are interesting places. There is a reason for the saying “skeletons in the closet” as it can be a place of shame, of hiding things (or hiding you behind boring black clothing).

Rather than having a closet of shame, what would you like your wardrobe to look like? What would you like the contents to do for you?

You’re not alone if you’d like what’s inside to make you feel confident and look fabulous. You want every piece to fit and feel comfortable and give you the confidence and courage to go out and do the things you want to do in life.

Do you want to feel confident with your style?

So why isn’t your wardrobe looking like this now?

Your Wardrobe is Overstuffed

You’ve got too much in it from different eras of your life and you find it hard to find outfits that go together.

This makes getting dressed every morning hard work!

You struggle to get dressed because it takes too long to find outfits, so you get dressed from the laundry basket or just keep wearing the same old things on repeat.

That daily battle of fossicking through your clothes to find what you want takes so much time and energy that you’d rather be using for something else. 

It leaves you feeling frustrated, stressed and disappointed just as the day is beginning.

Frustrated by your wardrobe

You’re Holding On Too Long

Maybe you’re holding onto your clothes for too long.  It could be because you keep having thoughts like “It might come in handy when I get invited to …”  or “I’ll want to wear this again when I lose weight (or in case I put on weight)” or “It cost me a lot so it feels like a waste to let it go” or “I might need this again one day” or “I’ll wear it when I finally find the right thing to go with it.

These feel like valid arguments, but honestly, how often do you get invited to that fancy dress party where the theme is exactly the thing that all those clothes you’ve been holding onto for that reason are the exact right thing that you happen to want to wear?     

How long ago did you buy it?  So if you do lose the weight you’re planning on losing will the clothes still be in fashion and make you feel great?

Yes, you spent good money on the garment, but how much does it cost to build an additional room onto your house to keep all the clothes you don’t want to let go of because of what they cost you?  Also, what’s the time cost of having to look past those clothes each day as you’re getting dressed as you struggle to find outfits in your overstuffed wardrobe?

Are you seriously thinking about throwing good money after bad by buying additional garments to put together with something you already don’t wear?  There’s always a reason why you’re not wearing something, you just need an understanding of what that is.

What counts as too long?  Remember that clothes are like milk, they go off over time, and if your clothes are not getting worn that’s because they don’t make you feel confident and the best version of you.  So why keep holding onto things that aren’t doing what you want them to do for you?

Is Your Wardrobe Magnifying Your Negative Thoughts?

If you’ve got lots of clothes but nothing to wear, this will intensify your negative thoughts and feelings about your body, and your style and squash your self-esteem.

The daily battle you have with your wardrobe negatively impacts your day.

You feel uncomfortable as what you’ve got doesn’t fit you well making you feel more self-conscious and even feel like you’re floundering as you find yourself adjusting and fiddling with your clothes amplifying those feelings of unhappiness and discontent in what you chose to wear.

This will zap your good mood, and your discomfort and self-consciousness will seep into every aspect of your day as you become internally focused rather than being in the moment.

Are You Reducing and Discounting Your Self-Esteem by Ignoring Your Wardrobe Woes?

If you’re like many women who feel that caring about themselves is selfish (rather than an act of self-care) and that it’s vain and shallow to care about your style (even though you’re reading this because secretly you want to feel confident, comfortable and stylish), then I want you to rethink this paradigm. 

What if the fear of letting go or the thought of investing in a style education is actually costing you your peace of mind, your confidence, feeling comfortable and making you waste more money on clothes?

Imagine a Different Scenario

  • What if getting dressed in the morning became a joy rather than a chore?
  • What if you loved the contents of your wardrobe because they exuded a style that felt authentic to you making you feel comfortable and confident?
  • What if your wardrobe was a place of delight rather than pain and frustration?
  • What if you stopped feeling awkward about your outfit choices because you knew that your outfits were working for you (and everything fit so no more fussing and adjusting your clothes)?
  • What if you actually spent LESS money on clothes because you stopped buying things that didn’t work because you have the wisdom to make the best choices for you?
  • What if you ended up with MORE time because you decided to fix your wardrobe woes so that you can spend more time and energy with the people you love and do the things that make a difference?

If you’d love this to be your reality it starts with getting an education in color and style so that you can easily let go of what’s not working for you and making it easy to find what truly brings joy and makes you feel like the best version of you.

How Have You Ended Up Here?

It’s completely OK if you’ve been thinking “She’s talking about me” because what’s great is that there’s a better way and I’m here to guide you and share with you my 20+ years of color and style knowledge to put you on the right path.

There are a few possible reasons why you struggle with your style, and there is one huge lie that you’ve been fed that is at the core of your struggles and I’d love to invite you to my new video masterclass to discover the key reason and how to overcome it.  

Register here now.

Wearing Clothes You Hate? It's Time for a Wardrobe Revolution!


Wearing Clothes You Hate? It’s Time for a Wardrobe Revolution!

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