It's been a decade since the town's sweetheart Trumanell Branson disappeared, leaving only a bloody handprint behind.

Since her disappearance, Tru's brother, Wyatt, has lived as an outcast, desperate to know what happened to his sister.
So when Wyatt finds a lost girl, he believes she is a sign.
But for new cop, Odette Tucker, this girl's appearance reopens old wounds.
Determined to solve both cases, Odette fights to save a lost girl in the present and in doing so digs up a shocking truth about that fateful night in the past . . .
[It takes about eight to ten hours to hand-dig a grave, more if you was doing it in the dark]***
(@MichaelJBooks, 6 August 2020, 400 pages, ebook, #ARC from the publisher via # NetGalley and voluntarily reviewed)
I wanted to read this because the blub sounded great and I really enjoyed the author's book Black Eyed Susans when I read it earlier this year. Thankfully, this lived up to my high expectations. I loved the way the story is split in two halves, the first chunk of the book focuses on Wyatt finding a girl who's been hurt ten years after Trumanell's disappearance and the second chunk is set a couple of years later after Odette has vanished focused through the girl Wyatt found. The author deftly weaves these two strands together as well as Trumanell's disappearance to reveal the truth about both events. The characters are well written and the book is fast paced and the writing excellent. I loved this book.