During this pandemic time, the entire world has come to a standstill, the economy is down and everyone is trying to cope with the deadly virus. Staying indoors is the new norm with children studying online and elders working from home. The workload at home has rapidly increased as no helpers are coming. Family members are trying to help each other, including our little ones to that the workload is divided and one does not exhaust himself.
Yes, it has happened with me too during this lockdown period, as my house helpers are not coming, I had to do all the household chores. There was endless work at home that made me tired at the end of the day.
Ariel had launched its #SharetheLoad Campaign and the film came on TV as an ad, while I was serving dinner to my husband and son. After watching the film, my hubby and son wanted to help me with all the household work. We cleared the dinner table and while I did the dishes, my husband dried them up and set them. The next day we enjoyed cleaning the house together and while my son is young and couldn't do big tasks, he volunteered to pick up his toys and colouring books.

I felt really elated with the help I received from my family and moments like these do make a happy home. My husband and my little one really enjoy doing the laundry together. My husband loaded the entire laundry after sorting out, while my little one loads the surf in the panel. Laundry was the easiest task to start with and I really appreciated the help I got from them. Working together, we also had our own fun moments, while we joked around and laughed. #ShareTheLoad #ShareTheLaundry #ShareChoresMultiplyLove

About the film: You can watch the campaign film using this link:
My family has been helping me with all the errands and tasks and our team is amazing. #ShareTheLoad campaign has made the fun of the most boring job and we are enjoying it a lot.
'I will #ShareTheLoad and help in household chores in association with Ariel India and BlogAdda '