Family Magazine


By Blondie @heyblondieblog

Back in September we suffered a loss of our baby and at first I wasn't sure how I would recover emotionally. Dagwood and I both grieved but it was a special time for us to bond over our baby we will see in Heaven one day.
We decided (after discussing the pros and cons with my dr) to begin fertility treatments immediately. Without going into all the details... no fertility treatments were needed and God performed a miracle again!
We are expecting more pitter patter of feet in our home in July!!! Actually since ours come early my ob predicted Memorial Day!

I am crying just typing that. Our God is so amazing and His timing is perfect! He has given me a powerful testimony of His tremendous love for me and my family that I will share at a different time.
We waited longer to share this time to get the all clear from my specialist to go back to my regular ob. So excited to finally share this that I could kiss you all! hehe

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