Just a real quick one from me today! I wasn't sure what to do with these pictures of me dressed up as some sort of Texan lumberjack, but thought I'd publish them anyway. I have to say I'm not really that keen of the standalone outfit post anymore (for me, anyway) and prefer to intersperce with general snaps of my weekend and life, but hey ho! I had a fairly hectic weekend without much time to chill or get any blog content written, but did manage to bake a banana and choccie loaf (I used dark choc chips this time, delish) and give my Babyliss conical wand another go - both were a joy!Jacket TopshopPlaid Shirt Forever21Tee TopshopJeans TopshopNecklace TopshopTrainers Converse... always embarrassing when you realize basically your entire outfit is from one shop!