Lifestyle Magazine

We Are Moving!

By Secondchancesgirl
I am thrilled to announce that this weekend we signed the lease to our new place! We will be moving at the beginning of February to this super-cute townhouse close to the one we live in now. I am excited for something new. I love our place now but the rent was getting ridiculously high and it's time for JC and I to be on our own with the kids. I will miss having my mom live with us but it's time. She won't be far from us though because she is looking for an apartment in the same area and my sister lives in the next complex over. Family sticks together (or at-least close-b right?)
Our new home is a 3/2 on the second and third floors. It is a corner unit so we won't annoy too many neighbors!! I only have the pics from the listing but as soon as I take my own pictures, I will post them.
This is the view of the courtyard from our front door. The landscaping in this complex is impeccable!
We Are Moving!
The kitchen. It's brand new to us since the owner just remodeled it.
We Are Moving!
This is the view from the door that leads out the balcony. That door that you see at the end is the entry door. To the left is a half-bath and the laundry room and to the right is the kitchen. 
We Are Moving!
This is the hall at the top of the stairs that leads to the three bedrooms and there are also 2 bathrooms up here.
We Are Moving!
This is the master bedroom complete with a walk-in closet. 
We Are Moving!
I can't wait to move in and decorate. Decorating a rental can be fun and I will make sure to show the progress here on the blog. 
Just in case you were wondering why a rental, it's because the Miami housing market is insane, think about $250,000 for a decent starter home. Homes are super expensive and on top of that property taxes and insurance are sky-high. We are renting now and saving little by little and hopefully we can purchase a home within the next 3-5 years!
Oh and we already went furniture shopping and JC fell in love with this sectional at Rooms to Go. I still need to measure to make sure it fits nicely but I think this might be a winner!
We Are Moving!
Our new complex also has grill areas, a kids park, a pool and a gym so we plan on taking full advantage of all of it! I'm so happy to share this news with you and if you have any decorating suggestions, please feel free to share!!

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