In this moving short tale of one girl's search for her lost brother, award-winning author Esi Edugyan offers a vivid, unique perspective on a lesser-known corner of the West African slave trade.
At a fort in Cabo Vermelho in 1779, Sisi, a West African girl with a gift for languages, works as a translator for her English enslavers. She was separated from her younger brother after they were kidnapped from their village by the ahosi, fierce female warriors who serve a neighbouring king-and her guilt over her failure to protect him has never left her. When unexpected news reaches the fort, Sisi must find her voice, for her brother's sake and for her own.
Esi Edugyan's We Are Bone and Earth is part of A Point in Time, a transporting collection of stories about the pivotal moments, past and present, that change lives. Read or listen to each immersive story in a single sitting.
In the early hours, the rooms still cold from the night wind off the water, a new caravan arrives at the fort.CABO VERMELLHO, 1779
(Amazon Original Stories, 28 July 2022, ebook, 36 pages, borrowed from @AmazonKindle, #PrimeReading, A Point in Time #4)
This is a new author for me. I really enjoyed We Are Bone and Earth. I haven't read much fiction set in Africa or the era the story covers so this was new territory for me. Like the other stories in this series, this is more than the sum of its parts. I found it mesmerising and powerful yet incredibly sad at times. I highly recommend this