Family Magazine

Ways To Give To Charity Without Money

By Upliftingfam @upliftingfam

Ways To Give To Charity Without MoneyThough most charities are grateful for any monetary contributions they receive throughout the year, there are ways to donate to charities without giving money. Many charities are willing and able to accept all types of donations, including volunteer time, donations of goods, and donations of services, among others.

Because it is often easier to make a monetary charitable contribution, many who would like to donate in some form other than money are not always sure how, where, and to whom to donate. If you are interested in giving to charities, here are a few ways to give that do not involve money:

Donate Goods

There are plenty of charities that accept all forms of goods, including small items like clothes and shoes and large items like boats and cars. It is often easier to donate smaller items, as charities like Goodwill and Salvation Army make it easy for people to drop off their donations. When it comes to donating something larger, there are charitable organizations that will take care of the donation for you. For instance, if you are interested in donating a boat, organizations like Boat Angels will auction off your boat and donate the proceeds to charity. These organizations take care of the details for you, allowing you the chance to easily make a contribution.

Additionally, consider donating old electronics, including laptops, tablets, and desktop computers. Instead of hanging on to your old systems, donating them to a charity that specializes in recycling and restoring them. These charities restore them to their factory settings and then donate them to other countries or institutions in need of computers and electronics.

Give Blood

One of the best ways to donate something other than money is blood, especially if you are a universal donor. There is always a need for blood donations, as there are many people battling diseases like cancer and other life threatening diseases who need blood transfusions. Depending upon you health and weight, generally people between the ages of 20-60 can give blood regularly.

Donate Bone Marrow

Another way to donate is by signing up to be on a bone marrow registry. Those between the ages of 18 and 49 can register, but first, you need to be a blood donor, as bone marrow matches are based on the tissue type in blood samples. When donating, there are two ways: non-surgical and surgical. Both require a bit of recovery; however, the amount of recovery depends upon each case and person.

Organ Donor

Consider signing up as an organ donor. For those who are in need of transplants, if your organs are healthy and a match, you could help save lives. Those who are donors have a donor card, thus should an accident happen, the paramedics or doctors know what organs they can use to save another's life.

Service Dogs

If you love animals, consider being a service dog trainer. Service dogs are used to help guide the blind, but in order for them to be of service, they need someone to train them through their puppy stage, about 12-14 months. Basic bills are covered by the charity, including vet bills and food costs, and in return, you train a dog to be obedient and listen to basic commands so that they can be ready to be trained by a professional.

Record Audio Books

A great way to donate your time is to volunteer to record books for those who are visually impaired. While this is mainly for those who have been previously trained to do voice-overs, including actors, broadcasters, and musicians, it is a great way to get involved.

Sign Language

If you know sign language or are interested in learning, there is always a need for sign language volunteers to act as interpreters. Many organizations, offices, and other companies need people to volunteer in order to help those who are hearing impaired.


Lastly, consider volunteering at different charities, organizations, and other community-driven events. Offering your time as a volunteer is a great way to get involved and donate to others, as many charities need volunteers to make their events possible.

While giving money is a great donation, for those interested in giving something else, there are plenty of non-monetary ways to donate.

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