Photography Magazine

Watching the Olympics is Just Incredibly Emotional. The...

By Briennewalsh @BrienneWalsh
Photo Post Watching the Olympics is just incredibly emotional. The athletes, in many cases, are just so young. Pimply. Still hopeful. The lick their lips right before they perform. When they win, they deserve it.
I just watched the men’s gymnastic team from Great Britain win the silver medal, and I got teary eyed. These kind of small victories are what the Olympics are for. 

Watching the Olympics is just incredibly emotional. The athletes, in many cases, are just so young. Pimply. Still hopeful. The lick their lips right before they perform. When they win, they deserve it.

I just watched the men’s gymnastic team from Great Britain win the silver medal, and I got teary eyed. These kind of small victories are what the Olympics are for. 

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