jio The company has launched its first virtual-reality headset JioDive VR in India. This headset allows users to watch IPL matches at 360 degree angles. Watching the match from 360 degree angle means getting the feel of a virtual stadium sitting at home. The special thing is that this headset is very affordable, which anyone can buy. The company has launched it at a price of just Rs.1299.
Before the end of IPL 2023, if you also want to get a virtual stadium feel through JioDive VR Headset, then you can buy this device from the company’s official website and JioMart. If you have placed the order, here’s how to watch IPL matches live on JioDive VR Headset.
Bringing you a stadium-like experience at home with #JioDive,
Watch cricket in 360 immersive view
Enjoy #TATAIPLonJioCinema on a 100-inch virtual screen
Experience #360cricket from multiple camera anglesbuy now #IPL2023
— JioDive (@jiodiveofficial) April 30, 2023
This is the way to use JioDive VR headset-
first step
First of all install JioImmerse App by scanning the QR code present on the box.
second step
Now log-in to the app by giving necessary permissions.
third step
Now you have to tap on JioDive.
fourth step
On the next window, you have to select ‘Watch on JioDive’.
fifth step
Now you have to remove the cover of JioDive and place your phone there. Keep in mind that you can install a smartphone with a display of 4.7 to 6.7 inches in this device.
sixth step
After the phone is plugged into the device, adjust the straps of the headset and tie the device comfortably on your head.
Must have Jio connection
Before using this device, it must be known that users must have Jio 4G, Jio 5G or Jio Fiber connection to access the JioImmerse app. Also, it is necessary to have at least Android 9 and iOS 15 in the smartphone. This handset supports both Android and iPhone. As we said, the company has launched this device for just Rs 1,299, which you can buy in black color option. Through this device, content can be viewed at 360 degree angle.