Spirituality Magazine

Watch: Kierra Sheard Talks Defeating Fear And Conquering Doubt

By Firstladyb
Watch: Kierra Sheard Talks Defeating Fear And Conquering Doubt

Gospel singer, Kierra Sheard uploaded a video titled “Kierra’s Konfession” to her YouTube channel where she reveals to her followers her struggle with battling fear and conquering doubt.

Kierra Sheard
“I was super, just like doubting myself and just comparing myself, and it was just a lot,” the singer shared with her followers.

Kierra continued,

“So, I was living in my mind all day yesterday and I just kept doubting myself. It was terrible and I had to start talking to myself,” she said.

If you don’t talk to yourself, then you’re crazy,” Kierra said, repeating her mother’s advice as a means of conquering the spirit of “doubt” as well as “disbelief” and “discouragement.”

Kierra went on to share how she conquered the spirit of fear and doubt.

Watch the video below and be encouraged:

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