A Washington state man has been arrested on allegations that he pointed a handgun at a pregnant woman because she was smoking a cigarette.I'll bet this guy is anti-woman all the way. He's probably another extreme pro-lifer who can't safely manage his own guns, but he's got lots of advice for women.
Bellingham police spokesman Mark Young says 24-year-old Justin Dain Palmer stopped his pickup truck Wednesday to shout at a smoker on a sidewalk, "Who the heck smokes when they're pregnant?" The woman replied, "I do."
Young says that, after more words were exchanged, the man pointed a handgun at the woman. The Bellingham Herald reports the man was still sitting in the truck, about 10 feet from her, and that he then drove off.
The woman called 911.
Police stopped Palmer a short time later. Young says Palmer acknowledged confronting the woman but denied pulling a gun. Police say they found two semiautomatic .45-caliber handguns in his pickup's center console.
Young says Palmer was arrested for investigation of pointing a gun.
I always wonder if gender roles were reversed if these guys would feel the same way. Imagine if women in power tried to tell men what they could do with their bodies or whether they could smoke or drink when they wanted to.
And what about that charge? That should go a long way towards disarming this dangerous character, don't you think? (that was sarcasm, for those of you who need help identifying it)
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