Fashion Magazine

Warm Weather Tips

By Shanlakes
warm weather tips
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Hair: For smooth hair all spring/summer long...avoid frizz by always blowdrying your hair with the nozzle straight down. Also, I use moroccan oil while my hair is damp before blowdrying for smooth, shiny, and great smelling hair. 
Take advantage of the warm weather and let it be a time to allow your hair breathe. There's no need to blow dry and straighten it everyday. Let it grow long so you will enjoy the look of side braids, pony tails, buns, etc. Also, something I love to do is shower before I go to sleep- wait till my hair is damp (pretty close to being almost dry) put it in two thick pigtail braids...and in the morning I have beach waves. Sometimes I will go over a few pieces on both sides with a curling iron to complete the natural waves look. Then gently spray. (I'm loving Surf Spray by Bumble & Bumble: find it here
Face:  Rub an ice cube all over your face to avoid any puffiness when you wake up in the morning. The ice cube trick will also reduce pore size, and keep you sweat/oil free!
Get an ear piece for your iPhone. Holding your phone up to the side of your face everyday is NOT good for your skin. It can cause break outs, rashes, and the radiation that close to your skin can cause broken blood vessels along with other health problems.
Make sure to use a primer (oil free) every.single.time before putting ANY form of makeup on your face. This includes tinted moisturizer, foundation, bronzer, blush, etc. The primer creates a barrier between your skin and the makeup, protecting it, and making it so the makeup doesn't actually go into your skin. My favorite is Nars oil free primer- here. 
 Put on a face and body moisturizer with SPF in it every single morning.
Health: Do not stop drinking all summer long. And drink lots of water. Just kidding. You should constantly have a bottle of water on you at all times. Even when you aren't thirsty you should be drinking. Water not only purifies your skin, but also cleans out the toxins in your entire body. For glowing skin and to diminish wrinkles stay hydrated!
Sex Life: Summer is the perfect time to spice up your sex life. Some tips you might find beneficial that I found in an issue of cosmo:
-keep the bedroom clean: while keeping this area neat and organized it will eliminate any type of stress, and be completely conducive to relaxation. Keep a nice smelling candle next to your bed.-make sure you initiate sex equally (it can be a blow to the self esteem if it becomes too one sided) and no don't just do this so you can say "well remember that one time".. -Plan a getaway -Have pre shower sex-Summer becomes a very social time for everyone. Make sure you have at least an hour of alone time a day.
Style: A big trend being seen this summer- mix casual natural beauty, with trendy, fancy, and high fashion clothes. Once you have your summer glow, regardless of your outfit, all you need is a little blush and lip gloss. There's no need for heavy eyes, foundation, tinted moisturizer, etc.  Also, wear your hair in beach waves or side waves regardless of whether you are wearing a formal or casual outfit. 
Keep nails and toes clean at all times...weirdly enough, that is one of the first things guys notice. 

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